Saturday, April 18, 2009


Welcome to Families of Angels, Bookmarks of Love!

Most likely if you are here you have lost a child. My thoughts and prayers go out to every single one of you. I too have lost two babies, and have set up this site to help new angel parents. It is a work in progress so please bare with me!

Please click on any of the links below...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Where our bookmarks have gone...

April 2009 - Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City MO

More coming soon!

If you have recieved a bookmark please leave a comment HERE!

If you have recieved a Bookmark of Love, please let us know! Leave a comment here letting us know about you, and your contact information if you would like to hear from other families who know what you are going through.

To have bookmarks sent in your angels memory...

If you would like bookmarks sent in your angels memory please send me an email with the following information. Since I do this all on my own, if you would like to make a donation towards the bookmarks I send it would be much appreciated!

Please email me at with the following info -

Your Name:
Your child's name:
Hospital Name/Department (ex. Labor & Delivery/NICU):
Hospital Address:

If you are going to make a donation please let me know and I can give you the information.

Contact Me - email, blog, MySpace

If you would like to talk to me personally please use any of the following ways!

email -
blog - David & Alyssa's Mommy
MySpace - David & Alyssa's Memorial Page

My Story

Alyssa Candler Wood was born on Feb. 22nd 2008 weighing just 1 pound. She was born 18 weeks early, when I was only 22 weeks pregnant. We have no reason why she was born so early. I woke up early one morning scared and confused that my water had broke. When we arrived at the hospital we prayed that she could wait 2 more weeks to be born. At 24 weeks in pregnancy is when doctors consider a baby “viable”. Alyssa had her own plans and was born the next day. We were devastated, and so unprepared for having a premature baby, let alone having a baby who died in our arms. Our lives changed forever.

Chris and I decided we would try again and I got pregnant right away. Everything seemed perfect until my 27th week of pregnancy. We were so worried about having another premature baby that we never expected for this baby to have health issues. We were told that our son had heart defects, fluid on his brain, and scoliosis. That’s when we moved to Kansas City from Springfield to be near Children’s Mercy Hospital. Even though our sweet baby had problems, we were preparing to help him in everyway and were so sure that he would have surgery and come home with us.

David James Wood was born on Jan. 12th, 2009 weighing 9 pounds, 9 ounces even though he was a month early! He had a full head of black hair and looked just like his Mommy! Our hopes and dreams were so big and we weren’t giving up on him. Two days later we were told that there was almost no chance for David to survive. The bones in his chest had formed wrong, making his chest cavity too small for his lungs to be able to grow, and David would never be able to breathe on his own.

On Jan. 15th, 2009 our precious baby boy went to be with his big sister Alyssa. It was the most heart breaking experience of our lives. We were so unprepared for loosing another baby. No parent should have to bury a baby, and no 6 year old sister should have to kiss her baby brother good bye.

Now almost 4 months later I am reaching out to meet other mother's who have lost their babies. I am having a real hard time, people say with time it gets easier but I think for me right now it is the opposite. We recieved our genetic testing results back and they all look good.

Now the we try again? My husband wants to without a doubt. I leave my decision up to God.

Follow my personal blog at

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bookmarks of Love...

My name is Nikki and you may have followed me on my blog I entered the world of a grieving mother in June 2007 when I experienced a miscarriage. On Feb. 22nd, 2008 our precious daughter Alyssa was born at 22 weeks and we held her 3 hours before she passed away. And our little fighter, our hero David was born on Jan. 12th of this year and lived for 4 days. He fought his hardest but he had multiple birth defects that all worked against each other.

I've been trying to figure out how to give back. I've recieved such wonderful gifts, some small, some big from the hospital where David was at. So I've decided to take on a huge project, but I am doing it in all our angels memories.

I want to send bookmarks with this website printed at the bottom. I want to get as many families to tell their story here, to let me put them on our blog list. I know how comforting it is to me still to find another person who know's my pain and what I am going through.

If you would like your story featured on here, please email it to me at If you would just like to be on my blog list please comment this post.

Once everything is arranged, the site is perfect, and I have the bookmarks printed, you may request I send to your child's hospital in their memory. Or if you would like to have them printed and help out let me know too!

Also PLEASE post on your page so other angel families know about this!